Final Reflection


I will admit that this class was challenging. The class was very demanding with assignments and exploring areas outside of your comfort zone. This may be a bit confusing but the most formative experience in this class was to challenge me with creativity for establishing my opportunity. I had to think about many things that I could possibly improve upon or find things that didn’t have solutions. The assignment that I found the most interesting is the bug list. It allowed me to finally express my strong dislikes and somehow find an opportunity within it. Since that assignment, I developed my opportunity and it has changed drastically from its initial conception. Now that the semester has come to a close, I believe that I have developed an entrepreneurial mindset. I am able to think more critically about the opportunities that may exist amongst us. I now find myself thinking about how products or other various opportunities can be improved. A recommendation that I would give to students for the future is to think critically but do not overthink because the answer is probably right in front of you. To perform well in this course, I will highly suggest not to procrastinate. That will lead to a path of disappointment. This mindset can be fostered by working ahead of time an keeping an open when you get stuck.

2 thoughts on “Final Reflection

  1. I like how this class and the assignments caused you to develop your product along the way. I feel like this is the ultimate goal of the course to get enough criticism so that you have a solid product you can pursue afterwards. Also not procrastinating will help a lot so that you have time to think about your product and how to improve it.


  2. I am with you on the Bug List being the most difficult assignment of the semester. Never before have I found myself in a lost for words on things to complain about. Just ask my parents, they can verify that. But this assignment tied me up. I actually had to dig deep to find issues in my life that were more than just a “dumb problem” that I am the only one that experience.


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