Reading Reflection No. 2

The book that I chose was Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker. This book discusses that entrepreneurship is the heart of growth in the united states. It breaks down what innovation is and what entrepreneurship is and how it applies to society. The book connects with the entrepreneurship class by explaining what entrepreneurship is how to be innovative when going through this process.  If I had to design an exercise from this book to put into practice for this class, I would implement the top down management practice. This practice will allow for top level management to work with junior level and below management to help build them up and also get their perspective of things.  My biggest aha moment was when I found out that you have to separate the new from the old and organize them separately. It makes sense since you will be able to analyze both of them individually and see the outcome that it has  separately.



2 thoughts on “Reading Reflection No. 2

  1. I am glad you chose to read a book that shows how worthy it is to pursue entrepreneurship because it really ties into this class. I hope this book inspired you to continue pursuing your business ideas. From this book, did they mention important aspects of entrepreneurship to keep in mind when you are pursuing you own business ideas?


  2. I am a bit confused on your exercise plan for an assignment for this class. You said that you would participate in a top to bottom level management exercise, but what would that entail? Would you have us interviewing top and bottom managers in the industry that we are looking to work in? I think it might be hard for students to really get involved in this exercise.


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