Celebrating Failure

A time that I failed was a few week ago. I didn’t get the opportunity to turn in reading reflection 2. I had failed to check my assignments earlier in the week to know what assignments I needed to get ahead on. Friday came around and I had a super busy schedule. I also didn’t realize that we had 3 assignments due instead of 2. In spite of my mistake, I still tried to get all assignments done. I had to be strategic in my approach to get these assignments completed. I did the first two assignments that took less time to complete then tried to do the reading reflection. By the time I completed the first two assignments, I had about 30 minutes to get the reading reflection done. This simply was not enough time so I simply did not upload it. This experience taught me to do my work ahead of time and stay on top of it. Though I may see this as a failure, this class has taught me that this failure can easily be combated. Since this class is based off the points earned by completing assignments, I am still in good standing in the class because I completed all the other assignments.

One thought on “Celebrating Failure

  1. I have to admit that I have found myself in the exact same situation as you more than once this semester. I think that we both found ourselves in situations where we lost track of the deadline and before we knew it, it was too late to complete the assignment/assignments on time. I think this can be a great lesson not to procrastinate in your professional career.


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