Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

  1. Knowledge of the market

V: Able to understand what customers want

R: There are no devices that are targeting this market

I: Someone can easily gather more details about this market

N: I have had knowledge of this opportunity for many years


  1. UF students

V: Makes a large population of consumers

R: Not many places will have this large of a consumer base

I: There are other universities nationwide

N: A large population of students have cars here


  1. Knowledge of competition

V: Able to understand what competitors have to offer

R: it’s a small market so there is not as much competition

I: Other companies can easily adapt to market situations

N: I have first-hand experience in this field


  1. Experience as a consumer of automotive services

V: Able to understand from the customer perspective on the impact of these devices

R: My experiences are unique to me

I: Some people can have similar experiences but nothing imitable

N: No one can take away my experiences and opinions


  1. Competency of what customers want

V: Able to understand what customer needs and wants are

R: Being a part of this market share helps me understand the needs of customers better

I: Others can gather data on what customers want easily

N: Your customer knows best so trends have to conform to them


  1. The flexibility of consumer needs and wants

V: able to shift demand based off of what the market is like

R: Not many of marketers are able to change according to demand

I: Marketers can easily change adapt to the new market

N: Your customer knows best so trends have to conform to them


  1. The first of its kind

V: No other device is on the market that relates to this opportunity

R: No other device exists

I: Companies can easily replicate this product

N: No other device is available like this


  1. Relationships with technicians

V: I can get first-hand information about the common items customers look for

R: Every technician is different and not everyone has an established relationship with theirs

I: Anyone can develop a relationship with their technician

N: Technicians aren’t the only people who can provide this information


  1. Knowledge about cars

V: Possess a deeper competency of cars and this opportunity

R: Not many people have as deep of a competency about cars

I: People can learn about cars but may gain the full knowledge like I have

N: there are plenty of technicians that can have the same amount of knowledge as I do


  1. Marketing experience

V: I have knowledge of who will be the appropriate customers for this device

R: I am the only one who contains my personal market experience

I: This is not something that can be duplicated

N: I am the only person who can credit my work based off of my experiences


The resource that I see as most valuable is competency of what customers want. I believe this is the most valuable resource because they are the people who will be buying this product so it is essential that we tailor it to our customer needs

2 thoughts on “Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

  1. After going through all of your resources I have to agree with you that your connection to your consumers is the most important one you have. It also seems that a couple of your resources tie in to your connection with your consumers. Do you think your resources will change as you get farther along in this business idea?


  2. I think that it is important to be the first at something. I actually saw a product very similar to your idea online that would run diagnostics every time you started your car and broadcast the data to an app on your phone. How does that match up to your idea? And, if it is similar enough, how can you bend your idea to be the first in the market once again?


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