Idea Napkin No. 2

  1. Who am I?

My name is Malik Davis-Pittman and I am a junior here at the university of Florida. I am studying telecommunications on the management track with a minor in family, youth, and community sciences. My talents included excellent critical thinking skill that allow me to solve problems efficiently and effectively. My aspirations are to improve automotive technology so that road safety is improved, drivers are in safe vehicles, and owners save money. This business concept will play a role in my life because it is a tangible opportunity that can be easily developed. This business concept coincides with my career aspirations to work in consumer relations within the automotive industry to help make driving the best experience possible.


  1. What are you offering to customers?

The product that I am offering is an all in one diagnostic tool. This is a device that will give drivers the peace of mind that they deserve as they drive daily as this device will alert them of anything that may be wrong with their vehicle and offers ways to fix those issues.  This device alerts the driver of maintenance intervals, required services and emergency service information. This device will also coach the driver on routine maintenance so that their cars can remain in tip top condition while they are on the road.  This device will be affordable and be unique as it is the only of its kind that will be available on the market.


  1. Who are you offering it to?

The customers that this product will best be served to are drivers who are not sure of how to properly maintain their car or may not have time for it. Older cars tend to lack the technology that this device offers as standard equipment that this device will offer. Some new cars face the same problem therefore the device will be beneficial to those drivers. The customers will typically be newer, less experienced drivers or students between the ages of 16 – 22. This device will serve the prototypical customer of a young female professional that really can’t dedicate the time for paying attention to their car.


  1. Why do they care?

Customers will pay money for this product because it will save them on car repairs and from shady repair shops.  Customers will be able to know exactly what’s wrong with their cars rather than relying on the word of the repairman. This product will also allow drivers to increase the longevity of their vehicles to last the longest that they can with the very useful coaching feature. This product will also improve road safety as it will help prevent unknown hazards from occurring like a blown engine as a result of low engine oil.


  1. What are your core competencies?

Some cars handle all these processes that my product does already but my device allows that technology to be transferred between vehicles and gives you access directly to your mobile phone. This device will be able to be purchased from local automotive stores so it will be easily accessible. These five elements did a great job at providing an overview of the business concept and allowed me to identify areas that I may have overlooked.


The two main points that I got as feedback was that I need to clarify what I am offering to customers. Viewers were not too sure as to what exactly I was trying to offer to customers. The other point that I got was that I should mention the price  and how it will fare up against the competition.


One thought on “Idea Napkin No. 2

  1. I think you have a solid plan of action and idea surrounding your product. I do think that people, especially students, would spend $50 on a device that you plug in to your car and just forget about it until an app alerts you that you need to take your car into a shop, give you an exact issue wrong with the car, AND give you a price estimate on what the repair should cost in your area.


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