What’s Your Secret Sauce?


  1. I instill the quality of being understanding. I am able to assess situations and make reasonable decisions when appropriate
  2. I instill the quality of being able to listen. This is important because you are given two ears and one mouth, therefore you should be able to listen twice as much as you can speak.
  3. I instill the quality of being creative. I this allows me to not have limits because I can make nothing into something
  4. I instill the quality of being empathetic. This allows me to be relatable to a lot of people and help people work through hard times.
  5. I instill the quality of being patient. This quality is important because you need patience in order to be successful. You have to realize that everything doesn’t revolve around you.


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  1. Reginald Lane’s Response:

– What makes this individual unique is the ability to connect with people and their background that they’re from. They can easily and effectively communicate with others.

  1. Samuel Laguerre’s Response :

– What makes this individual unique is his ability to be creative. This individual can use his mind to make the most boring things become the most creative thing.

  1. Michael Jean-Baskin’s Response :

-What makes this individual unique is the ability to fight through adversity. You can clearly see where this individual has come from and how much of an impact this has had on

  1. Mohamad Merilan’s Response :

-What makes this individual unique is his ability to network and effectively communicate. This individual can work well with others.

  1. Dave Mompremier’s Response :

– What makes this individual unique is his ability to make anyone feel at home. He is very caring and supportive of others.



I see myself as a person who is able to work well with others. I believe that other see me as someone is a good  facilitators to open and versatile communication. I typically compare others to how I asses myself. What I think causes my differences is me always thinking through situations before I actually fall through with it. I believe that the interviewees were correct about the type of person that I am. From my original list, I will not change anything.

One thought on “What’s Your Secret Sauce?

  1. I have to say, as an employee, the skill trait of listening seemed like it was a given. Unfortunately, in the past three months of managing employees, I have found that common sense is not so common anymore. Finding team members that truly listen to the instructions given is becoming harder and harder to find. But what is most important, especially for a entrepreneur, is that they can listen to what the consumers truly want, not just what they want to do.


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