Create a Customer Avatar


My prototypical customer would be a female between the ages of 18-25. This type of customer would be a college student or a young professional. These customers like to go for early morning jogs and enjoy volunteering at local charities. They are very creative and forward-thinking individuals who are open to change when it is applicable. These customers typically drive compacts sedans or SUVs from Toyota or Honda or drive entry-level luxury cars from BMW, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz. The car is typically white or silver. These customers typically watch the home improvement network to get DIY craft ideas or watch pretty little liars. The customer typically has no kids but may be planning to in the near future. These customers are also in a relationship, engaged, or are married. These customers are typically more liberal. They like to read science fiction books because their mind likes to run wild. These customers feel like their age.


The things that I have in common with the customer’s avatar is that we are both college age – young professionals. I don’t think that our commonalities are a coincidence because I consider myself as being a part of the target audience for this product.

#Assignment 18

2 thoughts on “Create a Customer Avatar

  1. I feel like your avatar is spot on because usually women do not know as much about what is wrong with their car and would have a nicer car since they want to take care of it by buying your product. For your male customers, do you think they would have similar characteristics as your female avatar?


    1. What I actually really liked about your avatar is that rather than just describing a generic person, you tied it into your actual business plan. I know that I personally failed at connecting the dots in my avatar assignment. You went as far as describing the brand of the car that is most likely being driven by the average college student.


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