Halfway Reflection

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1) Tenaciousness is a competency. 

The things that I have done to keep up with this course is watch or attend lectures so that I understand the class material. Planning ahead has also been something I have developed for this course because I have several online classes so I have to plan ahead for the coursework that may take more time to complete.


2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. 

A time when I felt like giving up in this course was when we had to do the elevator pitch. I waited until the day that it was due to complete. I originally had people assigned to help me record but they ended up backing out at the last minute. I was very stressed out about how to complete this assignment and look as professional as I can. The thing that pulled me through was the idea that if I complete every assignment, I can get a 100% in the class. By understanding what the result can be and evaluate the opportunities that can come about with my decisions makes me believe I have developed a tenacious attitude. The experience that contributed to this is the constant repetition of the work or idea involved in this course.

3) Three tips. 

Three tips I will offer a future student is to work ahead, be patient, and ask lots of questions. Working ahead will allow you to catch mistakes you might have overlooked. Being patient will allow opportunities to come to you naturally rather then you forcing something you may not be necessarily happy with. Lastly, asking questions will allow you to clear up any unfamiliar content or allow you to uncover more opportunities.

#Assignment 14


One thought on “Halfway Reflection

  1. I would have to agree with you that the lectures are pretty important. I have to admit, if there is any class that gets pushed back lecture wise, it is this one. I will often wait until my schedule frees up to watch the lectures for this class. Unfortunately, that has led me to writing posts that were either incorrect or just didn’t make much sense. So don’t play games, just watch the lectures!


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