Elevator Pitch No. 3

For the elevator pitch, things that stood out to me, again, was the idea of grabbing the audiences’ attention. From the last pitch, I needed to engage more with the audience by moving around more and include more nonverbal language.

I can definately say it’s almost memorized, and i’m far more comfortable in front of the camera. Overall, i will say that the pitch itself is better.

Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

  1. Knowledge of the market

V: Able to understand what customers want

R: There are no devices that are targeting this market

I: Someone can easily gather more details about this market

N: I have had knowledge of this opportunity for many years


  1. UF students

V: Makes a large population of consumers

R: Not many places will have this large of a consumer base

I: There are other universities nationwide

N: A large population of students have cars here


  1. Knowledge of competition

V: Able to understand what competitors have to offer

R: it’s a small market so there is not as much competition

I: Other companies can easily adapt to market situations

N: I have first-hand experience in this field


  1. Experience as a consumer of automotive services

V: Able to understand from the customer perspective on the impact of these devices

R: My experiences are unique to me

I: Some people can have similar experiences but nothing imitable

N: No one can take away my experiences and opinions


  1. Competency of what customers want

V: Able to understand what customer needs and wants are

R: Being a part of this market share helps me understand the needs of customers better

I: Others can gather data on what customers want easily

N: Your customer knows best so trends have to conform to them


  1. The flexibility of consumer needs and wants

V: able to shift demand based off of what the market is like

R: Not many of marketers are able to change according to demand

I: Marketers can easily change adapt to the new market

N: Your customer knows best so trends have to conform to them


  1. The first of its kind

V: No other device is on the market that relates to this opportunity

R: No other device exists

I: Companies can easily replicate this product

N: No other device is available like this


  1. Relationships with technicians

V: I can get first-hand information about the common items customers look for

R: Every technician is different and not everyone has an established relationship with theirs

I: Anyone can develop a relationship with their technician

N: Technicians aren’t the only people who can provide this information


  1. Knowledge about cars

V: Possess a deeper competency of cars and this opportunity

R: Not many people have as deep of a competency about cars

I: People can learn about cars but may gain the full knowledge like I have

N: there are plenty of technicians that can have the same amount of knowledge as I do


  1. Marketing experience

V: I have knowledge of who will be the appropriate customers for this device

R: I am the only one who contains my personal market experience

I: This is not something that can be duplicated

N: I am the only person who can credit my work based off of my experiences


The resource that I see as most valuable is competency of what customers want. I believe this is the most valuable resource because they are the people who will be buying this product so it is essential that we tailor it to our customer needs

Growing Your Social Capital

1) One person must be a domain expert in your industry.

The person that I spoke to was a technician at the dealer that I get my car serviced. This is the master technician at Volkswagen of Gainesville. I got in contact with this person because he is the person that regularly services my car. I take my business to him and in return, I pay him for his services. Including this person in my network is important because if something happens to my car, I can rely on him to get the proper services completed on my car.


2) One person must be an expert on your market.

The person that I spoke that I spoke to was a manager at Advanced Autoparts. This makes him an expert in this field because he has done it for more than 5 years. He understands the market and the prototypical customer that would use this device. The nature of the exchange was I asked for assistance and I received the knowledge that the representative had from their training.


3) One person must be an important supplier to your industry.

The person that I spoke to was a technician at AutoZone. This will be the supplier of the product and will be able to sell this product the best place to sell the product. I found this person by simply going to the store and getting feedback from one of the representatives. The nature of the exchange was I asked for assistance and I received the knowledge that the representative had from their training.


This activity will help shape my future networking opportunities by understanding the different levels of the market of they can be penetrated on each level. This experience was much more in-depth than the previous networking experiences I have had.

Idea Napkin No. 2

  1. Who am I?

My name is Malik Davis-Pittman and I am a junior here at the university of Florida. I am studying telecommunications on the management track with a minor in family, youth, and community sciences. My talents included excellent critical thinking skill that allow me to solve problems efficiently and effectively. My aspirations are to improve automotive technology so that road safety is improved, drivers are in safe vehicles, and owners save money. This business concept will play a role in my life because it is a tangible opportunity that can be easily developed. This business concept coincides with my career aspirations to work in consumer relations within the automotive industry to help make driving the best experience possible.


  1. What are you offering to customers?

The product that I am offering is an all in one diagnostic tool. This is a device that will give drivers the peace of mind that they deserve as they drive daily as this device will alert them of anything that may be wrong with their vehicle and offers ways to fix those issues.  This device alerts the driver of maintenance intervals, required services and emergency service information. This device will also coach the driver on routine maintenance so that their cars can remain in tip top condition while they are on the road.  This device will be affordable and be unique as it is the only of its kind that will be available on the market.


  1. Who are you offering it to?

The customers that this product will best be served to are drivers who are not sure of how to properly maintain their car or may not have time for it. Older cars tend to lack the technology that this device offers as standard equipment that this device will offer. Some new cars face the same problem therefore the device will be beneficial to those drivers. The customers will typically be newer, less experienced drivers or students between the ages of 16 – 22. This device will serve the prototypical customer of a young female professional that really can’t dedicate the time for paying attention to their car.


  1. Why do they care?

Customers will pay money for this product because it will save them on car repairs and from shady repair shops.  Customers will be able to know exactly what’s wrong with their cars rather than relying on the word of the repairman. This product will also allow drivers to increase the longevity of their vehicles to last the longest that they can with the very useful coaching feature. This product will also improve road safety as it will help prevent unknown hazards from occurring like a blown engine as a result of low engine oil.


  1. What are your core competencies?

Some cars handle all these processes that my product does already but my device allows that technology to be transferred between vehicles and gives you access directly to your mobile phone. This device will be able to be purchased from local automotive stores so it will be easily accessible. These five elements did a great job at providing an overview of the business concept and allowed me to identify areas that I may have overlooked.


The two main points that I got as feedback was that I need to clarify what I am offering to customers. Viewers were not too sure as to what exactly I was trying to offer to customers. The other point that I got was that I should mention the price  and how it will fare up against the competition.


What’s Your Secret Sauce?


  1. I instill the quality of being understanding. I am able to assess situations and make reasonable decisions when appropriate
  2. I instill the quality of being able to listen. This is important because you are given two ears and one mouth, therefore you should be able to listen twice as much as you can speak.
  3. I instill the quality of being creative. I this allows me to not have limits because I can make nothing into something
  4. I instill the quality of being empathetic. This allows me to be relatable to a lot of people and help people work through hard times.
  5. I instill the quality of being patient. This quality is important because you need patience in order to be successful. You have to realize that everything doesn’t revolve around you.


*WordPress will not allow me to upload audio without a premium account*



  1. Reginald Lane’s Response:

– What makes this individual unique is the ability to connect with people and their background that they’re from. They can easily and effectively communicate with others.

  1. Samuel Laguerre’s Response :

– What makes this individual unique is his ability to be creative. This individual can use his mind to make the most boring things become the most creative thing.

  1. Michael Jean-Baskin’s Response :

-What makes this individual unique is the ability to fight through adversity. You can clearly see where this individual has come from and how much of an impact this has had on

  1. Mohamad Merilan’s Response :

-What makes this individual unique is his ability to network and effectively communicate. This individual can work well with others.

  1. Dave Mompremier’s Response :

– What makes this individual unique is his ability to make anyone feel at home. He is very caring and supportive of others.



I see myself as a person who is able to work well with others. I believe that other see me as someone is a good  facilitators to open and versatile communication. I typically compare others to how I asses myself. What I think causes my differences is me always thinking through situations before I actually fall through with it. I believe that the interviewees were correct about the type of person that I am. From my original list, I will not change anything.

Elevator Pitch Practice! (Part 2!)

For the elevator pitch, things that stood out to me where the idea of grabbing the audiences’ attention. This can be done by giving the audience an eye-opening scenario when the pitch is started which allows for the audience to be easily engaged. The thing that I changed versus the first elevator pitch was my approach to engage the audience and my body language.

#Assignment 17

Create a Customer Avatar


My prototypical customer would be a female between the ages of 18-25. This type of customer would be a college student or a young professional. These customers like to go for early morning jogs and enjoy volunteering at local charities. They are very creative and forward-thinking individuals who are open to change when it is applicable. These customers typically drive compacts sedans or SUVs from Toyota or Honda or drive entry-level luxury cars from BMW, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz. The car is typically white or silver. These customers typically watch the home improvement network to get DIY craft ideas or watch pretty little liars. The customer typically has no kids but may be planning to in the near future. These customers are also in a relationship, engaged, or are married. These customers are typically more liberal. They like to read science fiction books because their mind likes to run wild. These customers feel like their age.


The things that I have in common with the customer’s avatar is that we are both college age – young professionals. I don’t think that our commonalities are a coincidence because I consider myself as being a part of the target audience for this product.

#Assignment 18

Halfway Reflection

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1) Tenaciousness is a competency. 

The things that I have done to keep up with this course is watch or attend lectures so that I understand the class material. Planning ahead has also been something I have developed for this course because I have several online classes so I have to plan ahead for the coursework that may take more time to complete.


2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. 

A time when I felt like giving up in this course was when we had to do the elevator pitch. I waited until the day that it was due to complete. I originally had people assigned to help me record but they ended up backing out at the last minute. I was very stressed out about how to complete this assignment and look as professional as I can. The thing that pulled me through was the idea that if I complete every assignment, I can get a 100% in the class. By understanding what the result can be and evaluate the opportunities that can come about with my decisions makes me believe I have developed a tenacious attitude. The experience that contributed to this is the constant repetition of the work or idea involved in this course.

3) Three tips. 

Three tips I will offer a future student is to work ahead, be patient, and ask lots of questions. Working ahead will allow you to catch mistakes you might have overlooked. Being patient will allow opportunities to come to you naturally rather then you forcing something you may not be necessarily happy with. Lastly, asking questions will allow you to clear up any unfamiliar content or allow you to uncover more opportunities.

#Assignment 14


Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

For the first part of figuring out buyer behavior, I took a look at trying to figure out what preference the consumers had when it comes to servicing their vehicles. Part 1 gave me good insight as to what factors play into the decision-making process for the average consumer for car service. Again, three college-aged students, who have cars, were picked for interviews to get a better idea of what factors come into play when they decide to get their cars serviced. I narrowed down this segment to figure out buyer behavior for a simple service of an oil change. This is a service that is required by every vehicle owner.



After completing interviews, I gathered a substantial amount of information. First, I will like to point out that there are many options for oil changes. You have the option to take your car to the dealer, to a local quick lube, or do it yourself since it is a relatively easy task. The biggest factor that played into the decision-making process for my candidates was the price. It seems as though price equates to the quality of the service. These customers valued the aspect of the price but were too skeptical to accept “too good to be true” offers. 2/3 of the customer expressed that they shopped around for the best deal for an oil change and did not have a preference as to where or who does the job. They would find online coupons, mobile coupons or mail/newspaper coupon for their local service shops. With more cars requiring synthetic oils, oil change prices average around $60. The other customer fully relied on their dealer and used whatever offer or incentives that their service advisor had to offer them. All three customers expressed that they felt that they made the right decision after their purchase is made and their service is complete (given that it was done properly.)



After concluding the results from this segment, I can clearly see how my product can affect consumers. By providing the consumer with useful data in regards to the current status of their car, so that they can know when it will be the optimal time to service their car and give them time to prepare financially for that service.

#Assignment 15