Bug List

Bug List

  1. I do not like when people change lanes without using their turn signals

– This problem most likely exists because people assume that if the lane is clear, they don’t have to use it

  1. I do not like that all cars do not come with automatic lights because it causes people to drive at night with their lights off

– This problem most likely exists because their cars do not notify them that their lights off

  1. I do not like when I go to Walmart and they have over 20 lanes but only have 3 open for checkout

– This problem most likely exists because the store does not have enough workers to perform the operations

  1. I do not like people drive consistently in the passing lane on the interstate

– This problem most likely exists because people do not know the road rules

  1. I do not like when people loudly chew their food

–  This problem probably exists because those individuals probably did not receive proper etiquette lessons

  1. I do not like when people don’t say thank you after you hold the door for them

– This problem most likely exists because individuals think that its common courtesy

  1. I do not like when people don’t clear the numbers of the microwave

– This problem most likely exists because individuals food are finished heating up before the time they set.

  1. I do not like when people leave cabinets open in the kitchen

– This problem most likely exists because the hinges do not swing freely and stop the cabinets before its in its closed position

  1. I don’t like when people leave the bathroom without washing their hands

– This problem most likely exists because the person might be in a rush

  1. I do not like when people merge into my lane and drive slow

– This problem most likely exists because they probably do not know the proper road rules

  1. I do not like when people do not let you into a lane when you properly signal to get over

– This problem most likely exists because they do not see the other driver trying to get over or is focused on the road ahead of them

  1. I do not like when people park over the lines in parking lots

– This problem most likely exists because they don’t see the lines once they are in the space

  1. I do not like when McDonalds ice cream machine is constantly broken

– This problem most likely exists because the machine is overworked which causes it to break

  1. I do not like when people do not flush the toilet in the public restroom

– This problem most likely exists because people are probably in a rush to go somewhere.

  1. I do not like when people drive their cars with warning lights on

– This problem most likely exists because the person does not have time to resolve the issue with their car

  1. I do not like when people drive without their seatbelt on

– This problem most likely exists because it is uncomfortable to wear while driving

  1. I do not like when metal forks rub against glass

– This problem most likely exists because when people eat, they hit scrape the fork across the plate because they are really hungry

  1. I do not like when people leave the lights on when they leave the room

– – This problem most likely exists because they are in a rush to get out the room

  1. I do not like when the kitchen sponge is not squeezed out after being used

– This problem most likely exists because someone the person washing dishes forgets to squeeze it out

  1. I do not like when people leave their gas tank door open.

– This problem most likely exists because the person is in a rush and forgets to close the tank.



The bug list was easy to come up with until I got to the last three. I really had to think hard about what things really bug aside from the ones I already mentioned. I realized most of them related to driving and I was trying to stem away from that.

#Assignment 2

2 thoughts on “Bug List

  1. Wow Malik, I share many of the same bugs as you. The ones that I share and feel the most passionate about are definitely ones that occur while driving. I can’t stand when people sit in the passing lane and go annoyingly low speeds that they can do in the regular lane. Also, I hate when people pass me and don’t use their blinkers.


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