My Story

Square format pile of chocolate bars

Growing up, I did not necessarily have access to everything that I wanted. I grew up in a single parent household with six other siblings and a mother who did her best to make ends meet. Lets just say that I wasn’t the kid that always had any of the latest things growing up. At some point, I wanted to change that. My radical young mind thought of different ways to try to earn money so that I could get the finer things in life. That’s when I came up with the bright idea to create my own snack business. It came to my attention that many students in my high school were craving the snacks that were taken away from the Michelle Obama “Let’s Move” campaign. So I decided to provide the students with those snacks. I strategically planned when other student organizations would sell their fundraising snacks and I would go out and buy the same snacks so that I could sell them. I did this for all four years of my high school.


I enrolled in ENT3003 because I wanted to learn how I can provide for myself without having to work for somebody. I want to learn the different ways to become successful without working a standard 9-5 job. The learning outcome that I hope to get out of this class is to learn how to foster my creativity to help change the world.

#Assignment 1

One thought on “My Story

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. I liked how honest and real you were. Although I felt Michelle Obama’s movements for healthy eating was overlooked by many, I think food education is vital for the health of our future generation.
    I agree with you about not wanting a standard job. My fear is a desk job!! Also your blog is advanced and I wouldn’t mind some pointers haha


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